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Reasons to go to college essay

Reasons to go to college essay

The Reasons Why I Want to Go to College,You May Also Find These Documents Helpful

WebSep 4,  · Don't use college rankings as a reason for why you want to go to a school. Of course prestige matters, but schools that are ranked right next to each other on the list are at about the same level of prestige. What makes you choose one over the WebAnother reason why college is important is students are likely to make more friends and share their ideas, my sister in college get to share new ideas, they also have more WebJan 24,  · Some people on the other hand don’t even want to go to college. There may be a plethora of reasons as to why. Maybe they just want to stay in work, or WebWhy do I want to attend college? College is an honorary achievement and it separates the determined from the undetermined. Owning a college to degree is an honor and an WebAug 2,  · 7 Reason: Personal Development - reasons going to college is unique way of personal development that individual receives by writing essays, looking through ... read more

College is worth it because students get to explore more about people and share their ideas, they get to socialize more, and they have a higher chance of getting a better job. First, college exposes students to explore people cultures and they get to share there new ideas. Students get to learn about different cultures and religions, Another reason why college is important is students are likely to make more friends and share their ideas, my sister in college get to share new ideas, they also have more business connection. Besides college help students socialize more and work with different people, Second, young adult learn socializing skill in college. One out of seven students socially progress as they attend college, there are a little people that have progresses talking and there are a lot that did not progress.

In fact there are a lot of jobs that require you to have a college diploma and a degree. Finally My aunt in New York CIty went to college because they told her she had a higher chance of having her own bakery business. It is true that college is a good thing for students because they get to explore other people culture they share ideas, they get to socialize more, and there are better jobs that require a college degree. For these reason, it is positive that college is acquired for students because they get more opportunities in life.

StudySaurus is run by two uni-students that still get a kick out of learning new things. Accordingly, when I study and get a bachelor certificate, I will look for a good job that I can live from by getting an income. Then, my life will change into better. I will feel stable. There are many reasons why people go to college. College also provides many classes that can help students achieve their full potential when they are out in the world as well and making you better understand the world. According to Robert Harris these classes are liberal arts classes. Honestly, I always believed that you do not have to go to college. I never even wanted to go to college. At that time, I felt that college was a waste of time. The reasons why I decided to go to college was to see if college is for me. Secondly, I decided to go because of my mom and my mentor.

Lastly, I want to better myself as person and succeed in life. Starting at eight years old, I always envisioned attending college and obtaining a degree that would allow me to accomplish what I want in life. Over time, I have faced many obstacles such as dyslexia, emotional trauma, and family challenges. All through these challenges, I never let anything deter me from my course of attending college. Despite being able to overcome obstacles, I have come to realize there are things in life that I have little to no control over.

Now that I have had time to experience the joys, hard work, and endless opportunities that come with being a college student, I have come too far to let anything stop me from finishing this chapter of my life. In combination with my scholarships and work-study, as a college student with little money I rely partly on my parents to finance my education. Although my parents will continue to do all they can to help finance my education, their income stability is not guaranteed, my family…. College is a place where people go to find themselves and figure out their future steps. Going to college allows someone to see how the real world will be. College also brings many benefits and promises to oneself and even family. in addition to the promise of a higher salary, college offers a myriad of benefits to students who participate in the academic experience.

I am determined to go to college even if there are some setbacks that make harder for me to do so. For example, when I was in 10th grade I found out that I had scoliosis, and the only way that I would be able to treat it was through surgery. At the time that I had found this out, I had already planned out my sophomore year; I was going to take 2 AP classes and 2 math courses above my grade level. At the time I truly believed that I was going to be able to go through the surgery, take all my classes, and very least get decent grades in all my classes, including my AP classes.

However, that semester ended up being my worst. First off, going to college gives you a more narrowed education on something you would like to do in a job career. It could be being a teacher, doctor, lawyer, or an Engineer. Studying in college for a job such as these can make it easier for you to find a job and get employers insurance. College is important to me as it is required for me to achieve the two careers that I am most interested in. I know that it will be challenging as high school was also. With the support systems of my parents, grandparents and siblings, mentors and friends I know I will be successful. In my opinion the main reason we have college is to acquire more knowledge to better prepare ourselves for our potential future occupations.

That is my main reason why we have college but at the same time I also see other secondary reasons to go along with the main reason for attending college. So to answer the question that has been asked I will now try and elucidate my personal thoughts about what college is for. My parents did not have the opportunity that i now have, and i feel very lucky being the first one in my family that will go to college. Growing up I actually wanted to become a teacher but then changed my mind when i started high school and learned that psychology was what I really wanted to do. Why attend a college? There are several people who don't attend to college, not knowing that a degree will help with many things. Attending a college is the first step to obtain all three of these results.

First, people work at a place where they are there only for the high salary. Secondly, others don't spend much time with their family or friends for the reason that they need to work in order to provide. Finally, there are several people who have jobs that they dislike. A college is able to give many benefits, for instance, the ability to a high salary, ability to spend time with family and friends, and the ability to appreciate their job. HOME ESSAYS Reason To Go To College Essay. Reason To Go To College Essay Good Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Aaron Palmer English Comp.

There are many reasons to go to college. Some people want to further their education and create a better future for them. A college education secures our future. The number of employment opportunities is greater and statistics reveal that most leaders are college graduates. If a person has a college education, you will make more money which in turn will enable you to have a better lifestyle. Anyone who goes to college and gets their education can shape their communication skills, expand their knowledge base, makes them methodical and organized, and exposes them to a whole new world of learning. Also people who have a college education have better morals and values and can guide their families while providing them all the same. First, a person should go to college to meet new people. Meeting new people can be very interesting.

You can make new friends and get help from the people you may come to know.

College can be a very frightening and diverse place. Many people drop out and others stay and see what they can make of themselves. There may be a plethora of reasons as to why. Maybe they just want to stay in work, or perhaps they have already started a family, and then there are the people who do want to go to college. I myself see college as an excellent opportunity to better myself and start an amazing career and so; I want to go to college to gain financial independence, learn to do something I love, diversify myself, and to travel the world. If I had to rank my reasons from order of most important to least important financial independence would be number one. I have experienced firsthand the effects of having an unstable salary.

People who have to rely on the government or other people for help are constantly worrying about how they will pay their bills, buy groceries, and provide other necessities for their family. In a situation where there is an unstable salary or financial dependence everything becomes a hierarchy. Which bill absolutely must be paid? If I borrow five dollars I can just buy ramen and eat that for the next week until that check comes in. I believe that financial independence is crucial to living a stable life. If for no other reason financial stability is defiantly a reason to go to college.

Many people who do go to college and gain financial stability often times find themselves in jobs they hate. They choose jobs because of the salary they will receive instead of doing what they love. Which is many of them choose to leave that job later in their life. I want to go to college in order to get a career in something that I love. I love solving math problems and taking care of animals so I either want to be an engineer or a vet, and going to college will give me the skills I need to work in one of those fields.

People who work in a job they love often times are more productive than those who choose a job simply based off of the pay. My third and perhaps not so important third reason to go to college is to diversify myself. Many people grow up in the same town and go to a school nearby before deciding to settle down in that same town. I want to go to college to gain a unique experience and learn new things. I want to learn of new cultures and meet new people. Some of the best experiences come from trying something new and I believe that college will offer those types of opportunities. Lastly, I want to go to college because I want to travel the world. Many colleges offer travel abroad experiences and more often than not the trips those colleges offer are cheaper than if a person would just go by themselves.

Doing study abroad through schools also provides insurance for if something were to happen. In conclusion I believe going to college would be a very diversifying experience and want to go to college to experience a plethora of new things and gain financial stability. I would also benefit my life beyond the career world as well. Studies have shown that college graduates are healthier and are less likely to get divorced. The divorce rate for college graduates who married between and is about 25 percent.

Plus, people with just a high school diploma are nearly twice as likely to be in poorer health than college graduates. This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. The Reasons Why I Want to Go to College. Accessed February 7, The Fear of Youth Violence and the Reasons Why Many Kids Resort to Violence. In case you can't find a relevant example, our professional writers are ready to help you write a unique paper. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best match.

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Reasons to Attend College Essay,Benefits Of Not Going To College Essay

WebWhy do I want to attend college? College is an honorary achievement and it separates the determined from the undetermined. Owning a college to degree is an honor and an WebOct 19,  · Reasons To Attend College Essay: Education is an investment for your future, and one of the most important decisions a student will make. There are many WebAug 10,  · Three reasons to go to college are to meet new people, to learn responsibility, and to prepare for a career. There are many reasons to go to college. WebJan 24,  · Some people on the other hand don’t even want to go to college. There may be a plethora of reasons as to why. Maybe they just want to stay in work, or WebMar 25,  · This is because jobs that require higher education tend to be linked with autonomy, variety, and status, which can lead to increased happiness at work. 4. WebAug 2,  · 7 Reason: Personal Development - reasons going to college is unique way of personal development that individual receives by writing essays, looking through ... read more

At this point, it'll be helpful to take a look at a "why us" essay that works and figure out what the author did to create a meaningful answer to this challenging question. Struggling with the college application process as a whole? For many people, college is the first opportunity to work closely with people who are different in terms of religion, ethnicity, politics or sexual orientation. Throughout this process of articulating your answers to the questions above, you will also benefit in a couple of key ways:. Don't forget to write down the answer! People of both genders, all races and rich or poor attend college.

Check out our top-rated graduate blogs here: GRE Online Prep Blog GMAT Online Prep Blog TOEFL Online Prep Blog. This essay was written by a fellow student. Throughout this process of articulating your answers to the questions above, reasons to go to college essay, you will also benefit in a couple of key ways:. There are many reasons, but the only important reason is to realize my self, and to live with dignity. Is this school at the right rigor and pace for your ideal learning environment?

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